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Last June Promesa Boyle Heights and its partners embarked on a pilot program at Roosevelt and Mendez High School that offered workshops and panel discussions to graduating youth in the areas of college resources, financial literacy and worksource services. The students that participated in the events signed up to be part of a cohort of students that we would keep in touch with to offer advisory sessions. Promesa staff have contacted students to check in on their preparation for the first days of colleges and their employment statuses. We contacted all 150 students who signed up to be part of our first cohort and had personal one on one conversations with over 40%. We are happy to report that the overwhelming majority of the students we had the opportunity to check in with, gave us positive responses on their post-high school educational and work plan, and we took inventory of the areas of “needs” that were mentioned throughout the conversations. Keeping those needs in mind Promesa BH also launched a one-stop resource website tab under the College and Career section of our site where students can find information on various areas such as job resources, financial aid, internship opportunities and get in direct contact with our College and Career Coordinator for any inquiries they may have. You can view the tab HERE.

Thank you to our academic partners, college counselors, and parents at each of the schools sites for your work in bringing AVANZA to Boyle Heights Youth!

Upcoming College and Career Initiatives:

Mendez High School College Fair: 10/25/17

Roosevelt High School College Fair: 9/27/17

Mendez High School Cash for College: 10/18/17

If you would like to get involved in any of our upcoming College and Career Initiatives please contact

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